Festival of Edible Plants

27 & 28 April 2019 10:00-18:00

Domaine d’Arthey, Rue d’Arthey 1 

5080 La Bruyère (Rhisnes, NAMUR) 


BokashiCompost will be present at the Festival des Plantes Comestibles of the Jardins d’Arthey.

Friendly and Festive event -in an amazing natural environment- with the aim to promote the exchange and the practical knowledge sharing around edible plants from our region.

It adresses a public as broad as possible thanks to a range of diversified activities.

BokashiCompost will have the pleasure to initiate the curious ones to the (pre)composting technique by fermentation and to rise the awareness about the richness our food scraps can represent.

Acces to the Festival with a fee.

For more informations: https://festivaldesplantescomestibles.be/

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